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ARCHWAY Gas Griddles.Product ref:00446.MODEL:2BG🚚 4-6 Weeks Delivery

£979.00 GBP
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Archway's Gas 2BG are manufactured, to the highest possible standard. Made from stainless steel with a matching steel plate-cooking surface, ensuring long lasting durability which thrives on hard work.

The Archway Griddle is available as one, two or three burner models. It delivers consistently perfect results across a whole variety of appetizing foods. Ideal for cooking steaks, beef burgers, eggs and bacon. It is fitted with high efficiency burners individually controlled, providing independent heating zones for economic use during quiet periods. Its simple design and flush radius sides make it quick and easy to clean. Archway's Griddle is ideal for snack bars, fast food and fish and chip restaurants.

Ext Dimensions - W700 x D660 x H340mm.
Cooking Area Dimensions - W696 x D491mm.

Weight: 57kg